Getting Started

Software Requirements

NuMAD is developed in MATLAB, and requires the following software packages:

Required Packages

Oldest Compatible Version


Version 9.9 (R2020b)

YAMLMatlab (Included)


txt2mat (Included)


FAST (Optional)


ANSYS (Optional)


PreComp (Optional)


TurbSim (Optional)


IECWind (Optional)


BModes (Optional)


Crunch (Optional)


Download NuMAD

The NuMAD source code is hosted on the NuMAD GitHub repository. NuMAD users are recommended to clone the Github repository. Cloning the repository allows users to easily pull the latest updates to the NuMAD source code. These updates may improve the code’s speed, accuracy and add additional functionality or advanced features.

To install NuMAD using git, type the following in a git interface:

>> git clone

The local copy of NuMAD can easily be updated to the latest version of the code hosted on the GitHub repository by using the pull command:

>> git pull

For users who are new to git, it is recommended to go through examples on GitHub or other sources while getting started. If you have problems downloading or installing please see the Troubleshooting page.


Users may also download a static version of NuMAD from the latest tagged NuMAD Release. This is the easiest way to obtain the NuMAD code, however it is more difficult to manually download future updates.

Install NuMAD

Once you have downloaded the NuMAD source code, take the following steps to install the NuMAD code. The directory where the NuMAD code is contained is referred to as $NuMAD (e.g. C:/User/Documents/GitHub/NuMAD).

Installation Steps

  1. Install MATLAB

  2. Open addNumadPaths.m in an editor and set the numadPath to point to the source directory in the repo.

  3. If you plan to use ANSYS or other analysis programs, update the corresponding path variable to the actual path of each executable you plan to use. Save and close addNumadPaths.m.

  4. Move the addNumadPaths.m file to the MATLAB directory of your user account (e.g. C:\Users\username\Documents\MATLAB)

Every time a new MATLAB session is started type addNumadPaths to be able to run NuMAD.